Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
Evaluation of condylar- Fractures of TMJ By Reconstructed three.Dimentional Computerized Tomography
تقييم كسور لقمة الفك الأسفل للمفصل الفكي الصدغي بالأشعة المقطعية الحاسبة للبعد الثالث
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Evaluation of condylar- Fractures of By Reconstructed three.Dimentional C.Tcondylar proces fractures represent one of the mot common facial fractures. the area of the condyle represents a rather challenging area for conventional radiography. the introduction of CT scan made visualization of the TMJ amandable. It is the purpose of this abstract to present the three-diamensional CT scan used in the area of condylar fractures. Imaging using this rechnique that fromerly had to be conceptualized. Ten trauma patients were used in this study. Routine X-ray films, two dimensional CT and three dimensional images were obtained on each cse.result showed the marked superiority of the three dimensional scan in diagnosis and then helped in treatment planning of those complex fractures. In conclusion, we recommended the utilization of three diemensional CT scan to examine the area of TMJ speciality if treatment is anticipated by the surgeon. 
Conference Name : Fifth International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Dental Surgeons 
Duration : From : 1991 AD - To : 1991 AD 
Publishing Year : 1991 AH
1991 AD
Number Of Pages : 12 
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Sunday, November 8, 2009 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
زينب عبداللطيفabdulatief, zenab ResearcherDoctorate 


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