Vision ,Mission and Objectives



Knowledge leadership and professional competition



To enhance continuous communication and provide support to college graduates through the provision of training programs to improve their skills in line with current changes and modern technologies



  1. Preparing an electronic database for the college graduates for all departments.

  2. Communicate with all graduates through social and electronic communication and keep them in touch with the college.

  3. Develop the skills of female graduates through the organization of training and professional development programs that meet the needs of the labor market and in cooperation with the scientific departments.

  4. Inform and update expected college graduates and former graduates of the available career opportunities and the beneficiaries through the employment forums such as the professional forum in health colleges

  5. To study the extent to which the educational programs offered and graduates' levels are compatible with the requirements of the labor market based on graduates’ experience

  6. Get in touch with the graduates to encourage them to participate or join the activities and events held.

Last Update
5/9/2017 12:49:00 PM